Frequently Asked Questions

Firstmanual offers you the possibility to find the user manual of the device you have lost. Firstmanual provides you with more than 25,000 manuals. You are almost certain to find the manual you are missing. Whether the manual is for a household appliance or an electronic device, you are likely to find it on
The price of a manual is £0.49 for 72 hours and then £24.90 per month for the use of all the manuals on as well as the storage of your documents and access to your Firstmanual space.
Firstmanual offers you to pay for the moment by Credit Card (Carte Bleue/Visa/Mastercard). Firstmanual assures you that the payment is totally secure on thanks to the HTTPS certificate and the SSL protocol that protects your data.
The unsubscription procedure is really quick and simple, just click on the following link unsubscribe me. After that you will just have to indicate your e-mail address with which you subscribed and the Firstmanual subscription will end as well as the associated charges. To make sure that the unsubscription procedure is effective, you will receive a confirmation e-mail on the e-mail you registered when you subscribed.
Firstmanual's advisors do their best to respond to all your requests as quickly as possible! Firstmanual's advisors are regularly trained to ensure that they are able to perform at their best. You will receive a reply from our advisors within 72 hours of receiving your message.
If you can't open your user manual, don't panic! We provide the user manuals in PDF format, which means that you need a PDF reader to open our user manual. You can get Adobe Acrobat Reader free of charge by clicking here.
The Firstmanual team is available Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm to answer all your questions about Firstmanual or your Firstmanual subscription.
You can join the Firstmanual team :
- By phone at +44 203 6959 573
- By mail to 8 Shepherd Market, Suite 127, London, England, W1J 7JY
- Via the form on our contact page

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